Counter Fraud Services is empowered to investigate fraud and financial abuse in circumstances where a care service has been secured on behalf of an Adult by a HSC Trust and that provider is suspected of misusing or misappropriating a client’s money or property.
CFS will investigate cases of suspected fraud and financial abuse in co-operation with the relevant HSC Trust and advise on the most appropriate action to take in each case. This action can include gathering evidence to support a criminal case or commencement of disciplinary action against an employee by the HSC Trust. Regardless of the action taken the focus will be on stopping the abuse and protecting the Adult at Risk.
An Adult at Risk is someone who may be in need of help because of a disability, illness, or their age and are unable to take care of themselves or stop someone else from harming or exploiting them. This person may be living in their own home, supported living or in residential or nursing care.
Financial abuse is stealing from, defrauding someone of, or coercing someone to part with money, goods and/or property. This abuse can be a single act or continue over months or even years. Financial abuse can include:
- the direct theft of money and/or other possessions from an Adult
- overcharging for goods or services
- the misuse of Direct Payments by paid carers or family members
- the misuse of Power of Attorney and other systems giving power to a third party to act on behalf of an Adult
- forcing an Adult to sell their home, having their home sold against their wishes, or significant assets from the value of the property removed without consent or knowledge
- a care worker accepting an inappropriate gift or reward
- a residential or nursing home using resident’s money to pay for goods that the home should pay for
- a care home manager gaining trust of residents and unlawfully taking control over the finances
The outcome of financial abuse against an Adult at Risk can be devastating. Some can lose large sums of money, incur large debts or simply be left in a position where they do not have enough money to live on.
If you have a concern about financial abuse you should contact the local Adult Safeguarding Team of the appropriate HSC Trust in the first instance.
Trust | Normal Working Hours | Out of Hours (5pm - 9am) |
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028 9441 3659 |
028 9504 9999 |
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028 9250 1227 |
028 9504 9999 |
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028 3756 4423 |
028 9504 9999 |
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028 9504 1744 |
028 9504 9999 |
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028 7161 1366 |
028 9504 9999 |