Fraud against Health and Social Care (HSC) can take many forms and cover a wide range of offences including fraud, corruption, bribery, theft, forgery or any other dishonest act committed by an individual or group of individuals to obtain a financial gain or cause a loss to the HSC.

While those who commit fraud against the HSC are a minority their actions can have a serious impact on us all.

Any money lost to fraud undermines the ability to provide many necessary services, potentially leading to longer waiting lists and fewer staff to support patient care.

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Counter Fraud Services (CFS) provide a comprehensive counter fraud service through the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud, corruption and other financial irregularities against Health and Social Care, Northern Ireland.

Working in partnership with Health and Social Care organisations and other key stakeholders, including the Department of Health, we endeavour to build and promote a culture where everyone accepts that fraud is wrong and everyone knows the role they can play in reducing fraud to an absolute minimum.

Our ultimate aim is to reduce HSC fraud to an absolute minimum and ensure that money deployed for health and social care is used in the effective delivery of frontline services.

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