Everyone has a responsibility to prevent fraud in our Health Service said the Assistant Director of the Counter Fraud Services (CFS).

Speaking at the start of International Fraud Awareness Week CFS Assistant Director Donna Scott said: “The services of the Health and Social Care (HSC) are used by us all and we must work together to ensure that HSC resources are properly safeguarded and used for the purpose they were intended.

Donna Scott said whilst the majority of individuals working and using the HSC are honest, there are those who will avail of any opportunity to defraud this essential service, thereby depriving patients of the treatment they need and the care they require. “This is not acceptable and we must do all we can to prevent this scourge on our health service.”

Counter Fraud Services (CFS) at the Business Services Organisation (BSO), is the Unit responsible for the prevention, detection and investigation of HSC fraud. A key element of this work is to raise awareness of the detrimental effect of HSC fraud. As part of this awareness programme, CFS will participate International Fraud Awareness Week (IFAW) this week.

This year CFS intends to focus on two issues during IFAW:-

• Hosting a series of workshops setting out the role of HSC managers in preventing fraud
• Promoting the importance of reporting fraud and the reporting process

Donna Scott, added: “Preventing/detecting fraud is undoubtedly a challenge, but I hope that by increasing staff awareness and understanding of the issue, highlighting its harmful impact and the reporting mechanisms for all instances of suspected fraud, we can each contribute to preventing this unacceptable drain on HSC resources.’

Liam McIvor, BSO Chief Executive said: “Participation in this annual event provides the opportunity to remind staff of their responsibilities in protecting the HSC from fraud.

To report an incident of suspected fraud, please call the HSC Fraud Hotline on 0800 096 33 96 or send a report online at: https://cfs.hscni.net/
Follow CFS on Twitter and Facebook @bsocfs.